With the snow melting, temperatures rising, and the heavy spring rains coming down, it’s hard to think about hot dry summer days. Yet this is the perfect time to start planning your lawn and gardening irrigation needs. Your plan should include looking at your current lawn and garden irrigation tools you may have stored away. Pull them off the garage shelve and see if then need to be repaired or replace.

What’s your garden water hose look like? What is the shape of the hose and fittings? Do you have enough garden hose to reach all parts of your lawn and garden? What is your plan for your irrigating your garden? Thinking of a drip irrigation system or sprinkler system? What’s the condition of your lawn sprinkler? Do you have water timers to conserve water and save you money?

Before you go and buy everything you think you need, let’s look at 10 ways you can plan your lawn and garden irrigation needs. These 10 ways can also help you conserve both water and time and save you money.

Ten Ways You Can Plan Your Lawn and Garden Irrigation Needs:

1) The layout of your garden is important to saving water usage. When setting the footprint of your garden, think about where the water will run off. Running water naturally into a garden bed will keep more water in your garden.
2) Group plants according to their water needs. This allows for a more efficient watering usage.
3) Use good mulch and layer it thick. This can prevent up to 70% water loss.
4) Water the highest parts of your garden first to utilize any run off.
5) Dig a small trench around trees to hold water and use a digital water timer to shut off water and stop excessive usage
6) Water roots, not leaves with drip a irrigation system
7) Water lawns only when needed and early in the morning to stop evaporation loss and use a water timer to reduce over watering
8) Aerate soil to allow for more penetration.
9) Cut lawns higher. Taller grass holds water better.
10) Select drought resistant grasses and plants.

Now take action and get the lawn and garden irrigation supplies that will work best for you and your watering needs. Most importantly, look for quality products when looking for garden hoses, drip irrigation systems, lawn sprinklers, and water timers. Pay a little more now and save both time and money for the long run.

In conclusion, there is no better time than early spring to get your summer lawn and garden irrigation needs ready. Plus there is plenty of time to find what you need and what works best for your lawn and garden.

Article Source: https://bit.ly/3IUI6Kd